
News for Kip McGrath Scotland Education Centres 2016

It has been a while since we last posted but it has been a very busy time here at Kip McGrath Education Centres in Scotland. I am Gerald Casserly and I am delighted to announce that I am the new Area Developer for Scotland having taken over from Margaret Carmichael who retired in September 2016.

Kip McGrath
Margaret introduced Kip McGrath to Scotland in 1999 and she has been a wonderful leader and mentor to all of our Kip McGrath franchisees in Scotland.  I would not be where I am today without her guidance and support.  We wish her all the best in her semi retirement although she will continue to run her own centre in East Kilbride and we are grateful she is still part of our network.

Television Campaign

You may have seen us recently on TV and I was excited to be invited to be part of this exciting campaign.

Current Centres

There are currently 30 Kip McGrath Centres in Scotland and if you would like to book a FREE assessment or chat to a qualified teacher, please contact your nearest centre owner

Recruitment Opportunities

Our centres are extremely busy and we are looking to recruit further qualified teachers at centres throughout locations in Scotland.  If you are a qualified teacher and interested in some additional tutoring, please visit our Tutoring Opportunities on our main website.


By Kip McGrath Education Centres Scotland Posted in Tuition

Tutoring Jobs for Qualified Maths or English Secondary Teachers in Scotland

Tuition Jobs in Scotland

Become a tutor at Kip McGrath Education Centres

We are currently looking to recruit qualified Secondary teachers in English or Maths at a number of our centres throughout Scotland due to huge demand for tuition for National 5 and Higher Grade exams.

All tuition takes place within the centres after school hours or on a Saturday morning and each tutor will have a small group of up to five students per 80 minute session.  We provide all of the written and online resources you will need to tutor our students.

If you are a qualified teacher in maths or English, a member of the General Teaching Council and are interested in applying, please complete our contact form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

National Poetry Day 2014

Poems for Children – National Poetry Day 2nd October 2014.

Writing a Poem – How Hard Could it Be?

National Poetry Day 2014As it is National Poetry Day on 2nd October, some of our centres are running poetry writing classes and competitions for our students to write a piece of poetry.  We tutor students from age 5 to 18 and the reaction from the primary students has been one of enthusiasm and excitement and they cannot wait to get started and be creative.  The older teenage students however (with a few exceptions) rolled their eyes and thought this was an incredibly boring task.

A new student who is sitting National 5 English exams next year said “I already have to learn a poem for my exams. That’s enough poetry to last me a lifetime!”  One of our English tutors quickly googled something and then quoted the following:

“The worst things in life come free to us
‘Cause we’re just under the upper hand
And go mad for a couple grams
And she don’t want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It’s too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly”

He instantly recognised Ed Sheeran’s lyrics from the song ‘A Team’ and had honestly never considered that some of his favourite song lyrics could be regarded as poetry.  It is unlikely that Ed Sheeran songs will ever come up in an English exam and it is important that students can learn and understand important pieces of poetry to write about for exam purposes.  Some students who want to pursue a future in English will relish all poetry but there are some students who want to pass their English exams but will never have a love for classical poetry.  It is up to us as teachers to introduce poetry in an exciting way for students to relate to and to love.

Best Poems of all Time?

There are numerous lists of poems which have been compiled over the years and I don’t wish to add to that. Your own personal favourite may be by Rudyard Kipling, W H Auden, Wilfred Owen, Robert Burns, William Wordsworth or any of the top 30 poems that The Times have suggested you read. There are some great poems listed but surely some are missing?  What do you think?

I would like to leave you with a poem written by a young primary student of ours who wrote this after her granny died after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease.  Heather, your granny would have been proud of you.

The Words I Didn’t Say  

Emotions flow like a river

running through my heart

And all this time I’ve been thinking

of the words I didn’t say


Did I even say I loved you enough times for you to truly know I did


A large part of my aching heart is gone without a trace

It won’t come back, just like you.

I will always regret the words I didn’t say


Did I even say I loved you enough times for you to truly know I did


I miss you and I always will.

And the words I didn’t say

Will haunt me forever.


Did I even say I loved you enough times for you truly know I did

Love you forever Granny, Heatherxx

maths homework help funny Video

If you need help with maths homework, call Kip McGrath – not the police please!

Needing help with maths homework?  Please don’t call the police!

Hilarious!  This 4 year old boy was needing some help with his maths homework.  He couldn’t work out what 16 takeaway 8 was so he called the police.  I have to say the policeman was very patient and understanding.  Had to laugh when the boy’s mum discovered what he was up to!

If your child needs help with maths or English homework, tell them to call Kip McGrath and not the police!


Jamie Calder Sailing Winner

RYA UK Youth National Sailing Championships 2014 in Portugal – Jamie Calder

British Youth Sailing Team 2014 Announced for RYA Youth National Championships

Jamie Calder SailingWe are delighted to congratulate one of our dedicated  Kip McGrath students on his fantastic achievement in qualifying as one of the 12 young sailors who will be competing for Great Britain at the 2014 RYA Youth National Championships in Portugal in July.

Jamie Calder (15) from Edinburgh won his place after five days of events in Weymouth competing against 300 of the best under 19 sailors in the UK. Jamie dominated the Laser Radial class, showing composure beyond his years and posting the most consistent series scores throughout the weeklong event.

Jamie took the lead after a long day’s racing on Wednesday and never relinquished it, extending his point gap over sailors 2 years his senior. The final day of racing saw no races able to be completed and allowed Jamie to be crowned Youth National Champion, the first Scot to take the title since Charlotte Dobson did back in 2004.

Jamie Meets HRH Princess Royal

Jamie Calder Sailing Winner

Jamie Calder meets Princess Anne

In addition to extending his lead at the top of the leaderboard, Jamie also had the pleasure of meeting HRH Princess Royal.

“It was pretty good to meet HRH. It is not something you do every day to meet a Princess. She seemed on good form, I hope she enjoyed her day as much as I did. I think it is great to have her here. Sailing isn’t a very high profile sport in comparison to Rugby or Football so it is great to have her down her to see what we do.”
“I have had to fight really hard for this place and I want to prove to everyone that I have earned it and I want to do as well as possible. I’m going to do it for myself obviously, but also my parents who have put a lot of time and money into my sailing and the rest of my family and my coaches who have helped me so much.”

Achieving a Gold Medal plus an Education.

Jamie is dedicated to sailing and his dream is to ultimately win a Gold medal at the Olympics

As I am training or competing during my time away from school. one of the challenges I face is keeping up with my school work.  Going to Kip McGrath really helps me with this.  My ultimate goal is to win a gold medal at the Olympics but I need a good education too.  I am a competitive person and want to do equally well in my studies and my sailing.  Kip McGrath are helping me to achieve this.”  Jamie

Pip Watt, Centre Director of Kip McGrath Barnton, Currie and Livingston says:

“Jamie is an exceptional young man,  He has been attending our centre in Currie for many years now and is always both cheerful and motivated.  His dedication to both his schoolwork and his sailing is admirable.  I am delighted he has made it this far in this competition.  We wish him the very best of luck”.

Other Newslinks Relating to Jamie Calder and the British Youth Sailing Team

Tuition for dyslexic children in scotland

Dyslexia Support and Advice for Parents in the UK

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a term many of us have heard and we associate it with people who struggle with reading and writing or confuse b and d but few people know much about this neurological condition which affects 10-15% of the UK population.

Dyslexia, sometimes termed word blindness, has been documented for over 100 years.  The first recorded case of dyslexia appeared in the British medical journal in 1896.  W. Pringle Morgan, described the case of 14-year-old, Percy F, who could not read and wrote his name as Precy, but he could multiply 749 by 887 quickly and correctly.

famous dyslexics Albert EinsteinThere have been many famous dyslexics such as Richard Branson, Albert Einstein, Walt Disney and Agatha Christie to name a few.

Dyslexics tend to be very creative and often Entrepreneurial.

The British Dyslexic Association defines dyslexia as:

“Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills. It is likely to be present at birth and to be lifelong in its effects. It is characterised by difficulties with phonological processing, rapid naming, working memory, processing speed, and the automatic development of skills that may not match up to an individual’s other cognitive abilities”.

In a modern world, where reading, writing and maths are given high status and employment opportunities depend on mastery of these skills parents can become worried when their child is not achieving in line with their peer group.

What should parents look out for?

  • Delayed speech
  • Difficulties in converting speech sounds (phonemes) into written text (graphemes), resulting in their reading and writing being below that expected for their IQ.
  • Confusion over the letters b and d after the age of 8
  • Difficulty in recalling times tables or sequences such as days of the week and months of the year.
  • Poor organisational skills
  • difficulty copying text which is increased when copying from a board
  • Slow reading speed
  • Poor sight words
  • Adding in/missing out letters when reading or spelling
  • Guessing words
  • Reversal of words when reading or spelling (on/no, was/saw)
  • Difficulty mastering new skills
  • Difficulty transferring thoughts to paper

This is not an exhaustive list but good signs to watch out for.

Research into Dyslexia

There has been much research into the causes of dyslexia and this is still ongoing. It is believed that dyslexia is caused by an hereditary gene (although this is not always the case). A dyslexic’s brain works differently to a non-dyslexics and there is less activity in the language areas of the brain during reading and writing.

If you are concerned about your child what can you do?

1) Talk to your child’s class teacher, Special Educational Needs Teacher (SENCO)
2) Request a dyslexia screening test, especially if there is a family history of these difficulties
3) Follow a systematic multi-sensory programme such as Alpha to Omega or Toe by toe
4) Find a qualified specialist to assist

Teaching Methods

A dyslexic student will need a multi-sensory approach to learning reading and spelling. This will need to be very structured in filling in the phonic gaps.

Seeing, hearing, saying, writing, feeling/ making. The student will need to engage as many senses as possible in order to stimulate the language areas of the brain.

It is beneficial for the dyslexic to join their handwriting as this helps them to remember the word shape.

Using the sense of touch

The use of sandpaper letters with a blindfold (removing the sense of sight heightens the sense of touch), play dough, sand, drawing in the air/ on the child’s back will increase the number of senses a child uses, stimulating the language areas of the brain.

How Can We help at Kip McGrath?

Kip McGrath Education CentresKip McGrath has over 40 years experience of helping children across the globe do better at school.  The very core of the Kip McGrath programme uses a systematic multi-sensory approach to learning (seeing, hearing, saying and writing).  This approach has been proven to be most effective for dyslexic students.

The Kip software was also designed on a blue background.  Dyslexic students often struggle to read on white.  Many such students read better with a coloured overlay or coloured lenses. Testing to see if this will help your child can be carried out at an optometrist. At home on the computer try changing the background colour or font colour. Writing on coloured paper can also help.  Kip McGrath developed some new programmes in 2008 which develop visual and auditory memory and these are  also valuable to the dyslexic student.

If your child has been diagnosed as dyslexic, you may wish to consider extra tuition.  Talk to your local Kip Centre teacher to see if they can help.  Many centres have teachers experienced in Special Needs Education.  To find a centre near you, please click on the links below:

Find a Kip McGrath Centre in Scotland >>

Find a Kip McGrath Centre in England, Wales or Ireland >>

What else can I try?laws_mindmap

Magnetic letters for creating words
Mind mapping by Tony Buzan
Recap and Review work frequently
Subtitles on the TV, audio books

A Neuro-Science Solution

Introducing Cellfield

For some children a more intense solution is needed.  When the traditional approach fails and a student hits a brick wall a more drastic solution is required.  As dyslexics under use certain parts of their brain and overuse others (compared to a non-dyslexic reader).

Tuition for dyslexic children in scotland

it may be necessary to use neuro-science research (which shows that the brain can change itself) to treat the underlying cause. Cellfield is an innovative, proven, sustainable treatment for dyslexia and is available in the UK.  Cellfield takes a multi-disciplinary approach, building on neuro-science research to stimulate the auditory and visual parts of the brain and make the messaging between these areas more precise.

Cellfield UKCellfield achieves remarkable gains, on average a child will make 2 years on phonics and 1 year on comprehension after only 2 weeks treatment.  These gains are sustained and increased over 6 months.  Cellfield has assisted with reading accuracy, reading fluency, spelling, memory and maths skills as well as an increase in self esteem.

For more information visit

clare powellThis blog article was written for us by Clare Powell who is the Centre Director at Kip McGrath Scunthorpe and also Cellfield Reading Matters South Yorkshire.   Clare  holds a Bachelor of Education degree and is an experienced School teacher who has worked with students at Primary, Secondary, GCSE, A level and Degree level and has seen these students make considerable progress.


What Age Should Children be Allowed to Walk to School Alone? An update

Guest Blogger is Kirsty McHugh, mum to a P7 girl in East Renfrewshire, Glasgow.

I first blogged about this subject in March 2012 when my daughter was in Primary 5 and it received a fantastic response.  I even appeared on a national radio station to talk about my concerns.  The original blog is: I have copied the content below also.

My daughter is now in Primary 7 and I wanted to give an update on where we are now.  I always said that in Primary seven I would give my daughter more freedom and she is now walking home from school 3 days per week, sometimes on her own but mostly with a friend who lives nearby.  She is very proud and loves it.  I must admit, I am still at the window watching for the moment she turns the corner into our road but she doesn’t know that.  We did a few walks together and crossed the road at the ‘right places’ to practice beforehand.  I did have to pick her up unexpectedly one day and imagine my surprise when I saw her walking with a big group of her pals right past the zebra crossing and she decided to cross at the busiest corner.  Arrgh!!

On Friday she was walking home with her pal and they were supposed to be coming here for a play date.  Twenty minutes after they were due they had not arrived and I went across the street to see if they had gone to the other girl’s house.  The panic in the other mum’s eyes told me they were not there and we frantically got in the car to find them.  We found them near the school laughing and giggling and oblivious to our panic.  They had apparently found a school bag in the street and gone back to school to hand it in doing a good deed.  They did not understand why we were so upset.

So now for the next dilemma!  My daughter said “If you would let me take a phone to school you could have phoned me”.  I totally agree she should have a cheap phone for emergencies.  Her dad however has always said she can’t get a phone until she goes to High School.  Hmmm.  Think he has to relent on that one!

It’s time to let her grow up and have some independence I think but one baby step at a time!

Original Blog From March 201o

I am mum to a nine year old daughter in P5 in East Renfrewshire and she is an only child. We live in a good area and about a mile away from her school  with two roads to cross (one on a quiet street) and one on a main road with a zebra crossing (although no lights or lollypop person).

My daughter has noticed that her friends are walking to and from school (although in groups) and she is at an age where she also wants more independence and to do the same.  She has no friends who live nearby so wants to walk home herself and is forever berating me that I am treating her like a 5 year old!

I am all for encouraging my daughter to become more independent but I just can’t seem to let her do this.  I tried this week to drive her across the road so that she had no roads to cross but then she had a 10 minute walk home and I couldn’t help myself but park up ahead and watch her in the mirror.  She says this is cheating and that I should just go home and let her make her own way home.

I know some in her class (especially the boys) walk home alone but I just can’t let her do this.  I don’t know whether this is because as a mum I am not ready to let go or whether I feel she is not quite ready.

As a child, I remember walking a mile to and from school myself everyday from Primary 3 but I had no roads to cross.  Apart from being beaten up in P5 by a girl who went to a different denominational school, I can’t remember any bad incidents.  When I was 13, a man tried to get me into his car on the way home from school and I ran all the way home.  At the same age, my younger brother’s best friend (7) was knocked down and killed getting of the school bus to enter our Estate.  Am I being too over protective?

My daughter was only one when the Soham Murderer kidnapped and killed Jessica and Holly but I was deeply affected by this and even although I know the odds of this happening are rare, all I want to do is protect my daughter and ensure that she is safe.  I have school friend mums who share my concerns but others who feel that our kids will be suffocated if we don’t give them some independence.

I have decided to stick to my guns for the time being and we will walk home together.  I will even let her walk ahead of me if she wishes but until Primary 7, I will not let her walk home along.

Am I wrong?  I can bear being the bad mummy who treats her like a 5 year old but should she be allowed more freedom at age 9?  I know I could have done it at age 9 but she seems so immature compared to me at that age.

I would welcome feedback from other parents.  What should I do?

English and Maths Tuition East Kilbride -Preparing for the Transition to Secondary School

Special 10 Week Tuition Programme Week Commencing 15 April 2013

Our Kip McGrath Tuition Centre in East Kilbride is offering a special 10 week tuition programme for Primary 7 students to help prepare for the move to S1.  This course will cover aspects of English, Maths and intelligence development and is designed to help students refresh areas of the curriculum that will stand them in good stead when starting First Year.

Each 80 minute lesson per week will be taught by qualified teachers in a small group although students will follow their own individual learning plan and receive one to one tuition.

The ten week programme starts week commencing 15 April 2013 and various session times are available from 3.30 pm on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.  A number of students have already registered and places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Why Primary 7 Students Attend our Tuition Programme

Kip McGrath Maths and English TuitionIt is a worrying time for many children making the move from primary school to a new secondary school and there are often many emotional issues to contend with.  Please read our previous article on how parents can help their children prepare for this big transition.  However being prepared academically for the start of First Year and realising that they are on a par with new classmates from other feeder schools can really boost confidence and give children the best start to future learning.

Special Offer

The current cost of an 80 minute lesson at East Kilbride is £27.50 and therefore £275 for the 10 week programme.  However, this course will be reduced to £250 and is available as a Facebook and online offer.  To claim this discounted price, please quote the code EK10 at time of booking.  This discount is only applicable to students attending this 10 week course.

Contact Us

Please contact Margaret Carmichael on 01355 266566 or email to book a space or to discuss any concerns about your child’s education.  Of course, we still offer tuition to all children in English and/or Maths from Primary 1 to Higher Grade level.

Preparing for Secondary School in Scotland – Top Tips

Moving up from Primary 7 to S1

March is generally the time for schools in Scotland to hold parents’ evenings and, especially for parents of children in primary 7, this is the ideal time to discuss with your child’s teacher exactly how your child is performing academically in class and how to help children make the transition from P7 to First year as smoothly as possible.

Developing? Consolidating? Secure?

Since Curriculum for Excellence was introduced in Scotland, parents will be familiar with the above terminology on report cards but do you understand exactly what these words mean and how your child is coping with school work in class?  Make sure you take this time to ask about results of assessments undertaken and how these compare with others in the school and region.  Are they in the top group for subjects?  If not, ask what can be done to help.

Kip McGrath Maths and English TuitionAcademically some children can be surprised when they move to First year and mix with students from other schools to find that they aren’t quite at the same level in English and Maths and this can lead to a lack of confidence and cause additional stress.  At our 27 Kip McGrath centres in Scotland, we tutor thousands of children and find that this is the time when most parents realise their children have fallen behind and call for help.

Having spoken to your child’s teacher, if you have any concerns please book an assessment with one of our qualified teachers at your local Kip McGrath centre.  This is FREE and we will be able to identify any areas of weakness or gaps in learning that may have developed and prepare an individual lesson plan focussed on your child’s needs.  Kip McGrath Tuition Centres only employ qualified teachers who have experience of teaching in Scottish schools giving parents peace of mind.  Our Primary and Secondary tutors teach children from age 5-18 up to Higher Grade English and Maths.

Free Kip McGrath Assessment

Tips for Parents to Help Children Cope with Move to Secondary School

Moving to a new school can be daunting for children emotionally and they will worry about fitting in, following timetables and will have much more reponsibility than ever before.  It is never too early for parents to start helping children prepare for this huge transition and we have listed below some suggestions.

Be organised – children should get into the habit early preparing for the next school day.  Ask them to look over their timetable and ensure that they are organised.  Do they need gym kit, musical instruments or anything for special projects?

Homework – What are their homework projects for the week?  Ask them to create a time plan to complete homework as early as possible and not have to rush at the last minute. Make sure they have a quiet place to work which is free of distractions.

Responsibility – Allowing your child now to take more responsibility will reap rewards in the future.  Teach them how to be more independent and to prepare for school by themselves.

Talk about Fears – In a big new school children have to follow a timetable and find classes and may worry about being late or get lost. Teachers may be a bit stricter.  Talk to your child about any fears they may have and discuss who can they go to in school if they are worried.

Making Friends – Your child may be in a class with none of their friends from primary school and may find it hard when their existing friends form new relationships.  Try to teach your child to smile, learn others’ names, show an interest, ask questions, be inclusive to all students and encourage them to form new class friendships.

Find your local Kip McGrath Tuition Centre in Scotland

Kip McGrath Tuition

World Book Day 2013 Costume Ideas

It is world book day on 7th March 2013. Here are some excellent tips for dressing up as your favourite literary character.  Thank you to my colleague in Urmston for sharing.

Impact Tuition & Dyslexia Centre Urmston

Ideas for World Book Day Outfits 2013

It is almost that time of year again – World Book Day. On the 7th March 2013, school children across the UK are encouraged to dress up as a favourite book character.

When it comes to World Book Day, parents tend to fall into 2 distinct categories; the ones whose hearts sink when that letter comes home and the ones who rub their hands with glee at the thought of the wonderful creative opportunity offered by a day of fancy dress at school. If, like me, you fall into the former group, try some of these ideas to avoid a)unwanted stress and panic b)tragically disappointed face on your child.

Although it can be fun to make your own costumes, if you are that way inclined, it can be too time consuming for many busy parents. Here in Urmston we are…

View original post 598 more words

English Tutors UK

English Tutors in the UK

The tutoring industry in the UK is booming.  There are many private tutors, tuition centres and after school clubs offering practice in English and Maths throughout the whole of the UK.  In 2013, the tuition industry will continue to grow.

In Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales, we have some fantastic schools but a great deal of controversy still reigns in our education system and many parents continue to seek out private tuition to ensure that their children achieve the best education and exam results possible.  Children are receiving extra tuition from as early as Year One (if not earlier) and especially in High School.  Some children do fall behind in school and extra tuition can quickly bring students up to the level of their peers.  However, it is not only children who struggle who attend private tuition as many parents wish children to be stretched to achieve the best possible results whether that be 11+, entrance exam, GCSE, SCE or Higher/A-Level results.

Find an English Tutor in the UK

If you make the decision to find a private tutor in 2013 then why should you choose a Kip McGrath Education Centre?  Well, we have over 200 centres in the UK which are run and taught by qualified teachers.  English and maths are our core subjects but many centres offer other additional subjects.  Our qualified teachers offer a FREE educational assessment for every child and create an individual lesson plan for every child based on their own individual learning needs.  As qualified teachers, we know the local school curriculum and what is needed by every child to reach their full acadmic potential.

Are English Tutors Qualified to Teach English?

KIP MCGRATH-LW.The site of the former Birgitte, 41 King Street.-We may harp on about this but a tutor does not need to be a qualified English teacher to tutor English according to UK laws.  When you employ an English tutor please ensure that you take out references and speak to previous students.  Ask to see credentials and results.  At Kip McGrath Tuition Centres, we are qualified and experienced teachers, have taught in local schools and understand the school curriculum.

National Tuition Centres

There are a few large, national tuition centres who offer maths and English tuition like Kip McGrath.  Don’t be fooled.  Kip McGrath are not the same and cannot be compared.  These centres are not in the main run by teachers and rely on worksheets and computer exercises that parents sometimes have to mark themselves.  When choosing a tutor to teach your child it is important that parents do their own homework and know the facts.



What is Your Dream for 2016? Children’s National Writing Competition at Kip McGrath Education Centres

Dream a Big Dream National Children’s Writing Competition

The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games showed how thousands of people could be inspired to pursue their dreams to achieve great things and break world records.

The Kip McGrath national writing competition is an amazing opportunity to inspire your child to celebrate and write about their “big dream”, whatever that may be.

Anyone aged 9  – 14 years can enter the competition and prizes will be awarded to 12 regional winners and two overall national winners.  For full terms and conditions and to enter the competition visit

Inspirational Athletes Involved in Dream a Dream Competition

Kip McGrath Scotland Business Opportunities – Discovery Day for Teachers

Discovery Day at Kip McGrath on Saturday 2nd February 2013

Are you a qualified teacher or an honours graduate willing to undertake a rigorous intensive training course in tutoring?  Are you interested in owning your own tutoring business as part of the globally recognised Kip McGrath Tuition Franchise?

Margaret Carmichael, the Area Developer for Scotland, is holding a discovery day at the East Kilbride Kip McGrath Education Centre on Saturday 2nd February from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm for those interested in finding out more.  Come along and see a successful centre in action and ask questions.  The centre is at 13d Hunter Street, The Village, East Kilbride, G74 4LZ.

About Kip McGrath

Kip McGrath Education Centres are primarily owned and operated by qualified teachers with a passion for teaching and the desire to run a successful franchise business.

With a 36 year history and over 600 franchises globally, Kip McGrath Education Centres offer supplementary education to students in reading, writing, comprehension, maths and English.

There are currently 26 centres throughout Scotland owned and run by qualified teachers offering professional maths and English tutoring to primary and secondary school children.

We still have a few territories available for the right person and 2 established centres for sale.  Click here for more details.

If you would like to attend, please submit the form below.  We look forward to seeing you.

Online Cyberbullying Advice for Parents -How to Keep Your Children Safe Online.

The above is an excellent article by my colleagues in Urmston, Manchester about cyber bullying with some very helpful advice for parents on how to advise children on the dangers of being online. Thank you for some great tips.  Make sure you read the full article by clicking on the “read more” link in blue above.

Kip McGrath Scotland – How Learning is Changing with Technology

Insight – The Future has arrived at Kip McGrath

Thank you to Sally and Simon Fisher for the above blog article.  Insight is starting to be rolled out to our centres in Scotland and the students absolutely love it. Good teaching by qualified and motivated teachers is what Kip McGrath is all about but in this era, children expect state of the art technology too to make learning fun and this is what Insight promises to deliver. Thanks to years of planning and investment and dare I say ‘insight’, Kip McGrath centres have the technology to keep up with the fast paced changes that no doubt will keep coming without impacting on the existing teaching methods by qualified teachers we currently offer.


by Sally Fisher

If you remember when;

ATARI was a state of the art video game system.

Mark from Eastenders was Tucker Jenkins.

And Frank was saying ‘GGGGGGGO!!!!’ on Runaround

The kids on “Why Don’t You” looked old… and cool…

K-Tel was a major force in music.

Wham Bars, Spangles, Pacers and Banjos were playground currency

David Hasselhoff  wore clothes and talked to his car.

‘Charlie said’ don’t do it – and you didn’t

Then you’ll also remember this: the good old BBC Acorn computer from your school days. I still recall waiting patiently for my spreadsheet to be printed out by the dot matrix printer – remember that funny thin paper?  And don’t forget about the floppy disc!

The classroom of today looks dramatically different.  The classroom of 2012 is almost unrecognisable.  The blackboard/whiteboard has been firmly replaced with the interactive whiteboard which gives teachers the opportunity to cater…

View original post 506 more words

Best Christmas TV Adverts/Commercials- Favourite Christmas Television Ads – Which is the Best Christmas TV advert ever?

Christmas is Coming!!!

It is the 12th November 2012 and as usual I am normally very critical that Christmas seems to be getting earlier every year.  I even saw my first Christmas tree in a house the other day – too soon!!  I have had a very busy year and Christmas seems so far away and I have to say  that I am not ready for Christmas yet.

However, last night I was watching TV and saw my first Christmas TV commercial of this year and I had the warm, fuzzy reaction that I am sure these companies have paid a lot of money to instill in consumers just like meal.  As a grandmother in Scotland, my favourite day of the year is having my children and grandchildren over on Christmas Day and delighting in the opening of presents and joy of my family being together and happy.

This is not always the case for many families and I urge that we donate to childrens charitites in the UK to ensure that every child receives a present from Santa Claus. Below are a few fantastic causes: (Great Ormond Street Hospital) (Yorkhilll Childrens’ Foundation) (Childrens Hospice Association)

What is the Best TV Christmas Commercial Ever?

For me, whenever I hear the Coca Cola advert “holidays are coming” TV advert I start to get into christmas mode and realise it is time to start shopping.  These ads have changed over the years but always have the same theme and music and I just love them

Christmas TV Ads are big business and prey on our sentimentality at Christmas.  There have been some extremely successful tv adverts in recent years.  Who can forget the 2011 John Lewis advertisement with the little boy counting down the days until Christmas only to ignore his presents to give to his mum and dad? Did this get us in the Christmas spirit or encourage us to shop at John Lewis?

There has been much talk on social media sites this week about the big supermarkets’ TV advertisements.  Is the John Lewis 2012 advert as good as last year?  Is the Asda TV advert sexist?  Is the Morrison’s TV advert too similar to Asda’s? Why is the TV advertisement so popular this year?  Why are big brand shops launching Christmas tv commercials this year and spending so much money on pr?

Is the most successful TV advert as important as the Christmas Number 1 this year? On media coverage you would think so but does  successful Christmas TV ad campaign result in more business?  I am not sure.  Last year the John Lewis ad campaign enchanted me but I didn’t shop there- I shopped at Debenhams who are not featured in my list.

I would ask two questions therefore:

1.  What is the best ChristmasTV advert of all time and put you in the mood for Christmas?

2.  Did this advert encourage you to spend in their store and why?

The Best Christmas TV Adverts/Commercials of AllTime in UK

So I want to ask the question – which Christmas television advert pulls on your heart strings, which advert best describes Christmas? Which advert do you watch and feel “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!”  Does the TV campaign encourage you to shop at their store?  If you live in Scotland but your religion does not celebrate Christmas, how do you deal with this subject if your children attend mainstream schools?

Best Christmas TV Adverts of all Time in the UK

These are in no particular order!!!!

1. John Lewis 2011 Advert

2. John Lewis 2012 TV ‘Snowman Advert”

2. Barrs Irn Bru TV advert

3. Coca Cola Christmas Video – Holidays are coming.

4. Asda Christmas 2012 TV Advert

5. Morrisons 2012 Christmas Advert

6. M & S 2012 Christmas TV Advert

“It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!”

The Best Start in Life – ITV1 Tonight Show Exposes Pressures On Children and Private Tuition in UK 2012

Tonight Show – ITV1 8th November 2012 – The Best Start in Life

I just watched the ITV1 Tonight’s programme about education, the booming tuition industry and whether too much pressure was put on young children to achieve academic success.

I have to say, as a mother of three children, a grandmother, an ex deputy school teacher and reponsible for Kip McGrath Education Centres in Scotland since 1999, I wasn’t exactly surprised at the content of the programme in general.  I introduced Kip McGrath Education Centres to Scotland in 1999 and we now have 26 centres throughout Scotland providing maths and English tuition to children from age 5 to 18 right up to Higher Secondary Level.  We also have over 200 centres throughout the UK in England, Ireland and Wales and I have been chatting to them this evening about the programme.

The programme was right in that the tuition industry is booming throughout the UK.  Scotland was not really focussed on in the programme but certainly here we are experiencing higher than ever demands for tuition from parents.  That includes children from Primary 1 to 6th Year Secondary.  .England, Ireland and Wales Kip McGrath Centres are also achieving unprecedented enquiries for assessments for children from year 1.

Kip McGrath Education Centres

I was slightly annoyed that a national tuition centre was featured in the programme who are not in the main qualified teachers.  Many of their centre owners are not qualified teachers and employ “instructors” to tutor children in English and maths with repetitive worksheets and computer exercises which some children who have turned to Kip have reported as being very repetitive.  Whilst this method can help some children, at Kip McGrath Education Centres, as qualified teachers, we teach children to re-learn areas of weakness or gaps in learning that may have occurred.

Kip McGrath Tuition Centres UK

I felt it important having watched this programme to emphasise the difference in Kip McGrath tuition as opposed to other national tuition centres and private tuition.  I felt personally that the Tonight Show, focussed on extreme cases and neglected the bigger picture.  A 2/3 year old has no need of tuition.  Some parents do wish to give their children a greater start in education and enrol their children at an early age.  Most children engage a tutor from year 2 onwards when certain difficulties are identified.  At Kip McGrath Education Centres, every one of our 200 centres in the UK is owned and run by a qualified teacher.  Every centre employs Maths and English tutors but they must be qualified and experienced teachers and be experienced in teaching.  THIS IS NOT THE CASE WITH OUR COMPETITORS!

Our Reaction to the ITV1 Best Start in Life Programme

Many of my fellow Kip McGrath Teachers throughout the UK have contacted me who have watched the show and this is some of the comments they would like to make:

Kip McGrath Lisburn Tuition Centre

One of the reasons that Kip McGrath  after school tuition franchise has become so successful with teachers (there are now over 200 centres open in the UK and Irleand) and what sets it apart from other companies offering similar services to parents is the fact that all Kip McGrath franchisees have to be qualified and experienced teachers. Martin Rimmer who runs the Lisburn centre along side his wife Clare explains. “The philosophy of the Kip McGrath founders, “any child can learn if they are taught properly” really resonated with us when we first starting looking into starting our own tuition business. All the centres are run and owned by local teachers and their teaching skills and years of experience prior to owning the business mean that the service parents can expect is tailored specifically to every child’s needs.  Excellent teaching is what the Kip McGrath method of tutoring is based upon and the Kip McGrath resources along side the support of having a franchisee network with a huge pool of experience mean  that the tuition provided is of the highest quality.

Kip McGrath Dumfries Tuition Centre

Only a few children were featured in the ITV1 programme – all being very intensively taught (I would say probably at the expense of their emotional and social welfare). Kip McGrath  tutors are trained to teach each child at their own level and certainly not to demand several hours of study at home each evening.

The program completely neglected the Scottish education system. There was also an absence of children who had slipped behind for any reason and needed the help for which Kip McGrath was originally designed.
“As any parent will tell you; their world is their child and their child means the world to them.  As such they deserve the best that they can give them.

If you haven’t already watched ‘Tonight’s ITV News’ then take a look.  They are featuring some of the extremes of tutoring.  I would say that some of the points raised are valid – we will have to be able to compete with China and the Far East in the not too distant future as this is where the huge economic growth is taking place. 

However, tutoring can be used very successfully, without the pressure, and used to develop skills and confidence for many aspects of a child’s life – not just their ability to pass a test.  I would argue that attending Kip makes them a more rounded and happy individual, learning skills that will allow them to overcome any obstacle put in their way, regardless of how big or small that obstacle is or becomes.

All too often kids who are quiet get left behind because teachers are too busy dealing with those students who don’t want to learn.  This is an all too frequent reality in most state schools up and down the country.”

Kip McGrath Bexleyheath Tuition centre

Tutoring can be used very successfully, without the pressure, and used to develop skills and confidence for many aspects of a child’s life- not just their ability to pass a test.

Contact Your Local UK Kip McGrath Centre to Arrange a Free Assement

With 26 Kip McGrath Centres and over 200 throughout the UK, if you are considering private tuition for your child, then contact us to arrange a FREE EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT and talk to a fully qualified teacher in confidence.  Visit our website at to find your local centre now.