Kip McGrath Scotland – How Learning is Changing with Technology

Insight – The Future has arrived at Kip McGrath

Thank you to Sally and Simon Fisher for the above blog article.  Insight is starting to be rolled out to our centres in Scotland and the students absolutely love it. Good teaching by qualified and motivated teachers is what Kip McGrath is all about but in this era, children expect state of the art technology too to make learning fun and this is what Insight promises to deliver. Thanks to years of planning and investment and dare I say ‘insight’, Kip McGrath centres have the technology to keep up with the fast paced changes that no doubt will keep coming without impacting on the existing teaching methods by qualified teachers we currently offer.


by Sally Fisher

If you remember when;

ATARI was a state of the art video game system.

Mark from Eastenders was Tucker Jenkins.

And Frank was saying ‘GGGGGGGO!!!!’ on Runaround

The kids on “Why Don’t You” looked old… and cool…

K-Tel was a major force in music.

Wham Bars, Spangles, Pacers and Banjos were playground currency

David Hasselhoff  wore clothes and talked to his car.

‘Charlie said’ don’t do it – and you didn’t

Then you’ll also remember this: the good old BBC Acorn computer from your school days. I still recall waiting patiently for my spreadsheet to be printed out by the dot matrix printer – remember that funny thin paper?  And don’t forget about the floppy disc!

The classroom of today looks dramatically different.  The classroom of 2012 is almost unrecognisable.  The blackboard/whiteboard has been firmly replaced with the interactive whiteboard which gives teachers the opportunity to cater…

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